Easy Relaxation Practices to Share With Your Children and Teens
Houston Daycare
Even small children can relax and focus if you use movement and sound to make it interesting. It also helps if you can provide role modeling to your child by managing stress constructively as well.
Try these techniques with your young child:
Make it fun. Be sure to present relaxation practices as a helpful tool rather than punishment. Pay attention to your child’s limits so they’ll stay engaged.
Keep it brief. As little as one minute of seated meditation can be an achievement for a preschooler. Plan multiple activities, so you can switch things around if your child seems to be losing interest.
Practice deep breathing. Focusing on the breath is an excellent starting point at any age. Ask your child to imagine filling his stomach and chest with air and then releasing it like a balloon. Taking five slow deep breaths will do the trick. The proper technique is to inhale and exhale deeply through your nose and out your mouth. Let your child know that deep breathing can be done anywhere when they’re feeling stressed.
Play music. Does your child have some favorite songs? Take turns singing different parts or ask her to listen for specific notes. Close observation is a form of mindfulness.
Take a walk. You can also meditate or appreciate your surroundings while you’re moving around. Go to the park together and identify as many different kinds of flowers as you can.
Stretch. While at first, it may seem difficult for your child to relax while doing homework (especially if they aren’t a fan of extra school work!), there are some techniques you can show them how to do when they’re completing assignments to help create a sense of calm. You can demonstrate to your child how to do the following stretching exercise: roll your head around, from side to side and from front to back with your eyes closed. This technique helps to relieve neck tension, increasing blood flow to the brain, which is a natural and easy way to relax.
Smile. Encourage your child to smile whenever possible. Smiling is proven to help relax and rejuvenate your body. Explain to your child that smiling will help to make them feel better because it releases chemicals in their bodies that make them feel good. In fact, smiling can even help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure.
Laugh. Laughter has been proven to be an instant stress reliever. When you can, use humor so you and your child can have fun and be energized. Tell a funny joke or story, play a fun game or sing a silly song with your kids as you’re driving. Encouraging laughter in your home will create a peaceful environment you’ll all enjoy.
Talk to your child’s teacher and/or guidance counselor. Some schools are including stress management, yoga, and meditation in their curriculum. Check out what’s available and see if there’s anything you can do to help, as well as practice with your child at home.
source: Child Development Institute
Nutcrackers Daycare Academy We are a family owned and operated academy that provides children with a strong foundation to begin their lives. Our teachers are highly trained and extremely attentive to support your child’s desire to explore and discover. Our passionate staff values the relationships we have with our families and work hard to involve them in all our activities and decisions. Our facility provides an openness inside and out for a child to feel free to explore, create, and learn in a safe, loving and developmentally appropriate environment. Contact at 713-842-7796.
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