7 Reasons Why you Should Prioritise Children Being Active
- Activity increases self-confidence and self-belief, an extremely important part of development that will cultivate friendships and leadership qualities
- Activity will enhance concentration for learning and understanding new challenges - it keeps the brain fresh
- Activity burns body fats for energy, keeping your child fitter and leaner
- Activity over a sustained period will develop passions and interests that help maintain a balanced lifestyle for today and into the future
- Activity will lessen the chance of health-related disease such as diabetes and skin conditions
- Activity with parents will strengthen the bond between child and parent
- Activity with parents will help develop a healthy relationship around behavioural patterns and in turn develop a happier, healthier child
source: Ezine Articles
Nutcrackers Daycare Academy We are a family owned and operated academy that provides children with a strong foundation to begin their lives. Our teachers are highly trained and extremely attentive to support your child’s desire to explore and discover. Our passionate staff values the relationships we have with our families and work hard to involve them in all our activities and decisions. Our facility provides an openness inside and out for a child to feel free to explore, create, and learn in a safe, loving and developmentally appropriate environment. Contact at 713-842-7796.
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