How to Talk to Your Child About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
1. Ask open questions and listen
Start by inviting your child to talk about the issue. Find out how much they already know and follow their lead.
2. Be honest: explain the truth in a child-friendly way
Children have a right to truthful information about what’s going on in the world, but adults also have a responsibility to keep them safe from distress.
3. Show them how to protect themselves and their friends
One of the best ways to keep children safe from coronavirus and other diseases is to simply encourage regular handwashing.
You can also show children how to cover a cough or a sneeze with their elbow, explain that it’s best not to get too close to people who have those symptoms, and ask them to tell you if they start to feel like they have a fever, cough or are having difficulty breathing.
4. Offer reassurance
You can help your children cope with the stress by making opportunities for them to play and relax, when possible.
5. Check if they are experiencing or spreading stigma
Explain that coronavirus has nothing to do with what someone looks like, where they are from or what language they speak. If they have been called names or bullied at school, they should feel comfortable telling an adult whom they trust.
6. Look for the helpers
It’s important for children to know that people are helping each other with acts of kindness and generosity.
7. Take care of yourself
You’ll be able to help your kids better if you’re coping, too. Children will pick up on your own response to the news, so it helps them to know you’re calm and in control.
8. Close conversations with care
It’s important to know that we’re not leaving children in a state of distress. As your conversation wraps up, try to gauge their level of anxiety by watching their body language, considering whether they’re using their usual tone of voice and watching their breathing.
source: UNICEF
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