I Need a Daycare Provider But How Do I Know the Right One For My Child?
For any child that has spend the greater part of their lives at home, the process of going to daycare for the first time can be very difficult on them. One of the major deciding factors can be the way the people at the care place act, so it is extremely essential to pick the right one. If at all feasible, it may be easiest to place the child with someone they are already familiar with, either a family member or friend. When placement with a family or friend is not an option, parents should not worry because they can make use of many other resources.
One way to help make your choice about daycare easier is to simply ask around for the opinions of your friends who also have children. This way experiences can be relayed, either good or bad, and odd behaviors discussed. It is true that not every parent will have a great tale about the same provider because not every child will get along with every caretaker, but if each parent you talk to has had a bad experience, you should take that as a sign that the caretaker is not one you want taking care of your child.
For a trouble-free list of licensed daycare facilities in your area, you should go to the Department of Social Services. Also part of a pediatrician's job is to listen to the daily welfare concerns of their patients, and for that reason, many pediatricians will be able to give you good recommendations. You should take caution as you are looking for facilities in your phone book or newspaper and although a good source, professionals do not have to be licensed in order to be included. If your caretaker does not want to meet the child before you enroll them, this should raise a caution. Introducing your child to its new caretaker and environment will smooth out the understandable fear that some children experience in such environments.
Most daycare providers know this sense of longing that children feel and will therefore allow the child to have a favorite toy or blanket with them. Since most children are homesick for at least a couple of weeks, this gives them a piece of home that they can carry with them. For some kids, giving them a picture of their immediate family may also help but for others it may make the homesickness worse.
To further help your child become familiar to his or her new surroundings, allow yourself a few extra minutes to stay at the facility until they get used to playing with their peers. For many children, the simple step of having their parent tell them that they are going to be back by a certain time and having that parent consistently keep that promise is immensely helpful. This information will make the transition to daycare easier on the child because they will be able to know that their guardian will come back for them.
source: Ezine Articles
Nutcrackers Daycare Academy We are a family owned and operated academy that provides children with a strong foundation to begin their lives. Our teachers are highly trained and extremely attentive to support your child’s desire to explore and discover. Our passionate staff values the relationships we have with our families and work hard to involve them in all our activities and decisions. Our facility provides an openness inside and out for a child to feel free to explore, create, and learn in a safe, loving and developmentally appropriate environment. Contact at 713-842-7796.
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