How does baby's physical development contribute to learning?
Many babies learn how to crawl at the same time they learn to sit on their own. Crawling, however, takes longer to perfect than does sitting without assistance. At six months, expect your baby to sit for a second, but balance will come later; also, you will probably notice your baby get into a crawling position, but not know how to proceed after that. Even though 'crawling' usually means progress on hands and knees, many babies use other moves to get them where they're going. Rolling, slithering, 'bottom shuffling' (when a baby pushes around while sitting, using one hand to make the propelling motion), and pulling along on elbows are all maneuvers used instead of the conventional crawling, so don't be surprised if you see those first. Still other babies learn to crawl in the ordinary way, and then figure out that they can move faster on their hands and feet than their hands and knees.
If something is out of reach of a six-month-old baby, you may see that baby pull up the knees under the body, push up with hands and often manage to get the tummy off the floor. For that moment, the baby is in a crawling position, but needs encouragement to actually add forward motion to the mix. By the ninth month, early crawlers start to make some real progress—though it's often backwards, away from the object they're trying to reach! Upper-body control is more developed than leg-control, so a baby tends to push harder with hands and arms than with knees—propelling the baby backwards. Not to worry (and try to reassure your frustrated baby, too!), this is just a short-lived phase.
The biggest advantage baby has when it comes to solving problems is with the development of large and small muscles over the course of the first year, helping various tasks become easier. The two-block stack that will seem too complicated for your little architect one month will become an easy three-block stack just a few weeks later.
Original Source: fisher-price
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