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How to Teach Kids Productivity

Houston Day care

How to Talk to Children About Productivity

Kids might not necessarily understand the term "end-product quality," but you can talk to them about productivity in a way that reaches them best. "Children can better understand concepts through representation, so the use of books or stories can help them," notes Martha Horta-Granados, a teacher, psychologist, and psychology consultant for Sensible Digs.

A good book to read to younger children to help introduce and explain the concept of productivity is "A Place for Everything: Habit 3" by Sean Covey and Stacy Curtis. For older children, try "Get Organized Without Losing It" by Janet S. Fox and Steve Mark.

"These books will teach children the importance of being organized and help them accomplish all of their daily goals," explains Horta-Granados. "In addition to teaching children the meaning and importance of productivity, these resources can teach them some techniques and serve as a personal guide if you as a parent plan to focus on teaching this to your children.

Setting up a problem-solution scenario can be another good way to open up a conversation about why productivity is important. For example, you might talk to your kids about the morning rush to get ready for school, or their teacher's report of missing homework. Then turn it over to them for possible solutions. In a guided conversation, come up with some plans, such as making a to-do list or completing homework first thing after coming home from school before playing.


source: Verywellfamily

Nutcrackers Daycare Academy We are a family owned and operated academy that provides children with a strong foundation to begin their lives. Our teachers are highly trained and extremely attentive to support your child’s desire to explore and discover. Our passionate staff values the relationships we have with our families and work hard to involve them in all our activities and decisions. Our facility provides an openness inside and out for a child to feel free to explore, create, and learn in a safe, loving and developmentally appropriate environment. Contact at 713-842-7796.

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